Browse Items (8482 total)

"The Loyal Mothers of A. Co. 124 Machine Gun Co., Jan. 30th 1918"
WWI - Loyal mothers of A. Co. 124 machine gun battalion, 1/30/1918. See Mothers of A. Company pg. 1.

Macon County Food Show, Feb 27-Mar 2, 1918.
U of I food experts at work at the Macon County Food Show in the Palm Room at the Orlando Hotel, Decatur, IL.

Jackson School Boys - Red Cross Workers
WWI - Group Photograph of Jackson School Boys, c. 1918. Writing on photograph "Jackson School Boys - Red Cross Workers"

Eastside Red Cross Headquarters - Jasper Street School
Ladies Sitting Around Picnic Tables Making Bandages, Written on photograph "Eastside Red Cross Hdq. Jasper Street School."

Mrs. Jane M. Johns Making Trench Candles
Photograph of 2 women making trench candles. Written on photograph "Mrs. Jane M. Johns making Trench Candles." c. 1918

Surgical Dressing Class in James Millikin University
WWI - Surgical dressings class at James Millikin University. C. 1918.

Class In Surgical Dressings, c. 1918
WWI - Class in surgical dressings, Red Cross. C. 1918.

One of the Reserve Militia Companies c.1917
WWI - photograph of one of the reserve militia companies. c. 1917

Officers of JMU Battalion c. 1917
WWI - photograph of Officers of the James Millikin University Battalion standing in front of the Liberal Art Hall. c. 1917. This battalion was part of the Student Army Training Corps.